2018 GI Joe Convention Day 1 and 2

I just got back to my room after our first 2 days of GI Joe Con 2018.  The first day was quite exhausting.  It was mostly just waiting in line.  Like HOURS of waiting in line to register, and then shop in the Club Store.    The second day was a lot more fun with the panels, and then going through the vendors.  

As I mentioned above Day 1 was mostly waiting in lines.  And then more waiting in lines.... and then more waiting in lines...  you get the point...  There were plenty of volunteers around and thank goodness because I had to ask them which line was which, how the system works, where I was supposed to go...  Once I finally figured out the registration line, we went in with the "7 PM" group and then waited 2+ hours to get our badge, lanyard, comic, and convention box set.  After that, we waited for about an hour for the club store.  My daughter was in line with us the whole time and did AWESOME.  She was a real trooper.  The first day was tiring but getting the exclusives was fun.  Man that was a lot a standing!  The convention staff has been super nice and super helpful.  I bought a few exclusives, but I didn't buy everything.  Mostly I bought stuff that looked fun or had some nostalgia attached to it. 

Day 2 was where the fun really began.  We attended the "The Truth of G.I. Joe...or at least the way we saw it..."  with David Kunitz and Kurt Groen and the "‘95 and Beyond!" with James Kavanaugh and Dan Klingensmith. I really enjoyed both panels.  I liked seeing where the line was going.  I'm a life long GI Joe fan but I've never really jumped into mega fandom so I didn't know a lot of the info.  It makes me sad this is the last Joecon because I would enjoy seeing a lot more panels like this.  Good conversation, power points with pictures, and some fun.

We attended the parachute drop and that was 100% a disaster.  I thought the actual drop was neat.  It was cool seeing GI Joes parachute down from a really high height.  A few people were watching from the parking decks and they had a lot of parachuting figures float back into the lower decks.  Now what would a decent person do?  That's right, throw them back out for the kids, but a lot of guys took multiples.  Not all of them took them, a bunch of the guys continued throwing them down.  Now this is an event for the kids.  They let the kids line up in the front, but once the the club said everyone could get the figures it was CHAOS.  There were adults running, pushing children down, taking multiples (people were only supposed to take 1).  I started to take my 2 year old to try and get a figure, but once the shoving and fighting started, I stopped and backed out.  It wasn't worth the risk.

The people at the convention have been awesome.  Everyone that we have talked to has been nice, friendly, and having fun.  I've seen all walks of life, families, single people, people meeting up with friends, kids, etc.  It's been great.

We hit up the vendor hall, and it was awesome. There was TONS of GI Joe stuff (as to be expected) and a few other things.  I bought a few vintage Joes and plan to pick up more as the weekend progresses.  I didn't get to spend a ton of time in the vendors so we will definitely be going back before the weekend is over.  I'll do a post on all my con haul later.

More to report tomorrow!

Feed Wrangler

A while ago I decided I wanted to start using RSS for my news.  I don’t visit a lot of sites daily so I was missing a lot of stories and blog posts I would find interesting.  I originally started writing my own RSS reader, but ended up deciding to just go find one because I didn’t have time to finish writing one.  I tried A LOT of RSS readers but ended up settling on Feed Wrangler.

I listened to David Smith on some podcasts and decided to give his service, Feed Wrangler, a try.  It actually works very similar to what I was trying to make so it’s been the one service that’s stuck for me.  It’s a bit pricey (compared to other “free” services) but I think it’s worth the price.

Feed Wrangler has both an app and a web service you can log into.  It also allows you to use it as a backend to other services.  I use the Feed Wrangler app and the website.  The web service is pretty basic but it gets the job done.  It helps me blow through my feed quickly when I’m surfing the web.   

The app isn’t anything to write home about, but it works really well.  I can quickly scan through my RSS feed and then read whatever story that looks worthy of my time.  It shows you the story if it’s imbedded in the RSS or you can simply go to the actual site.  You can create "Smart Streams" that let you filter through your feeds for keywords and using logical expressions. It has a few options and I use it to do quick looks at news topics.  I have feeds set up for Programming, Action Figures, Ole Miss, etc.  You can also set it up to do podcasts, but I don't use it as my podcast client so I can't really speak to how well that works.

Over all I am pretty happy with the service.  It lets me use RSS and use it the way I want to use it.


Apple's Messages in iCloud

So Apple finally brought Messages in iCloud in iOS 11.4 and macOS High Sierra 10.13.5.  This was one of the features I was most excited about when iOS 11 was announced.  It was in a bunch of the betas but took until 11.4 for it to make it out into the world. 

Why am I so excited about it?  I like the idea of everything truly syncing with Messages across all my devices and it also provides me with a great backup for my Messages.  Messages are already a part of my daily backup, so they won’t add anymore to my iCloud space usage.  Everything being stored in the cloud should help save a lot of local storage space on my Macs and iPhone.

I’ve also been wanting to do a “clean install” (not installing any 3rd party apps), but I didn’t have a good way to restore messages while clearing everything else.  Now I can do that and restore all my messages.  Not that my messages have any super important conversations, but there are some attachments I might want later that I haven’t saved into Photos or somewhere else.

Messages was the last major service in the Apple ecosystem they needed to be moved to the cloud.  Now to hope iOS merges conversations based on contact info so that I don’t have multiple threads with the same person...

HasLab Possibilities

On Feb 17, 2018 Hasbro introduced us to Haslabs.  Think of Haslabs as Kickstater, but run by Hasbro.  Hasbro describes it as

HASLAB is Hasbro’s new crowdsourcing platform that hopes to bring dream products into the hands of fans. With your support, our goal is to make products that are trophy items both in significance and size that fans have been clamoring for. Once the campaign is backed with the minimum number of backers as listed by the deadline, Hasbro will bring the product to life.
— Hasbrolab.com

Essentially Hasbro releases a cool idea (such as the MASSIVE Jabba's sail barge) and then interested people pay up front.  Get enough to people to pay and BAM you get a cool and limited numbered product.  You even get your money back if they don't make their goal.  Hasbro's first campaign was the Jabba Sail Barge and it was a successful with 8810 people funding it.  Hasbro needed 5000 people before before they put it into production, so I would say people liked the idea.

I'm excited to see the ideas.  With Hasbro having many inactive toy lines this could mean huge things for the line.  I mean who wouldn't like to see some new toys for MASK, Jem, Visionaries, etc.  Haslabs may be how fans get to see life in their old franchises.  I mean if Bucky O'Hare can get a new toy, I'm sure some of the other random lines of toys can.

Now if we can just get the GI Joe General funded....

Huntsville Comic and Pop Culture Expo

This past year the Huntsville Comic and Pop Culture Expo had its 3rd convention.  Brittany and I attended the first, missed last year, and were able to go (and take Melody!) this year.  I have to say I was blown away by the convention.  Not blown away like "OMG this is better than Dragoncon", but blown away by how much it has grown and how much we enjoyed it.  Below are my thoughts and opinions.  

So there appeared to be a pretty heavy Power Rangers influence this year.  Two of the main celebrity visitors were Austin St John and Johnny Yong Bosch.  They had multiple panels and signings and the works.  There was also a panel on Super Sentai (which if you didn't know is where Power Rangers gets all its robots and fighting sequences).  Kevin Sorbo was there, but we didn't do anything related to him.  (I have never watched Hercules or Andromeda ).  The most random guest there was FunnyMaine.  I guess it's not random for the state of Alabama (he does videos describing how University of Alabama fans watch games), but he seemed quite random for a comic convention.  As a Power Rangers fan I definitely enjoyed the line up.

So the panels were a mixed bag for me.  I mostly enjoyed the panels, but I thought they were amateurish.  The Super Sentai panel was a young man who stood up at the front talking about this show and showing clips on his laptop... from YouTube.  Now this might not have been super awkward except his laptop screen was the only screen... it wasn't projected onto the wall or anything.  So yea I couldn't see.  The kid appeared to know the topic and had a lot of enthusiasm, but I think he needed a moderator or something to help him along.

I really enjoyed the panel with Austin St John and Johnny Yong Bosch.  Just like with the Super Sentai panel I think it really needed a moderator.  You can tell that ASJ and JYB have spent some time together and interacted really well on stage.  We got seats on the 4th row for this panel, but there really wasn't a bad seat in the room.  Overall it was a fun panel!

Brittany and I went to the FunnyMaine panel.  It was totally not what I expected.  I guess I was expecting something like a comedy routine, and it wasn't anything like one.  He sat up there and took questions from the audience the whole time.  And well...  apparently people REALLY want to hear his opinion on Alabama football.  Also did you know that he has done some work for Big Bang Theory?  Yea me neither...  Kevin Sorbo did a panel, but we didn't see any of it (except when I stuck my head in to see if it was finished...). I'm sure he did a good job...

So the big thing for me was that the panels needed some form of moderators.  Someone to really steer the conversation and to get questions from the audience.  The guests took questions, but a moderator would really help.  I would be willing to be a moderator if they need volunteers next year!  I also think more fan lead panels would be fun.  Those are the parts of Dragoncon that Brittany and I really enjoyed.  The Disney, Star Wars, Back to the Future, etc panels we really enjoyed.  They were smaller, mostly fan run, didn't really have celebrities or anything.  I think these would go over really well in Huntsville and I would even be willing to help put some panels together.  I think they'd be a lot of fun and keep people moving to different panels.

Outside of the Von Braun Convention Center were some food trucks.  I thought the food trucks had a really good selection.  Sure one of them looked like a creepy RV, but that's the fun of food trucks right?  We ended up eating lunch out there.  Britany and I each got food from different trucks and enjoyed it.  The trucks appeared to start packing up during the mid afternoon.   The ones that were left appeared to still be selling quite a lot of food.  I enjoyed all the options!

So the absolute best part of the convention for me were the vendors.  I LOVE going through the vendors at Dragoncon, and I honestly liked the selection at the HSV Expo better.  It is (of course) way smaller that Dragoncon, but I liked what everyone appeared to be selling.  There were LOTS of toy vendors and we all know that makes me like a happy camper.  There were comics, toys, cosplay, books, swords, and all sorts of stuff.  I even bought a few original GI Joes and got a good deal for them.   I almost bought some original Power Rangers toys (to replace some from when I was a kid), but went with the Joes instead.  Over all I was really impressed with the selection and number of venders.

A couple of small but neat things the convention had...  A kids room.  There was a room on the second floor to keep your kids entertained.  There were coloring sheets with crayons, stickers, LEGOs, faceprinting and games for the kids.  As a parent, who took his kid, I loved this area.  There was also an arcade and a board game room.  I thought the boardgames room was kinda strange (I didn't understand the games or see many people playing normal games. I know), but I thought the arcade was a really nice touch.  The games were in free mode and they had a decent selection.  I thought these things were great little additions to the expo.

So some final thoughts.  For a 3rd year convention I think it went really well.  Awesome vendor selection, fun panels, and a good crowd.  My one complaint is that I think there needs to be more panels and for the panels to be moderated.  I really can't wait to see what is in store for next year.

Fun story.  Melody decided to throw her wubbanub from the second floor onto the first floor.  It landed on Austin St Johns autograph table.  So naturally I ran off to get it, but during that time the people on the first floor had some fun trying to get it back up.  Before I could even make it down there (and I was moving quickly) the really nice people downstairs threw it back up to Brittany.  Leave it to my kid to make a scene with a bunch of people!


Please ignore my terrible photorgaphy skills

Please ignore my terrible photorgaphy skills

SDCC Sgt Slaughter

So the 25th Anniversary line of GI Joes really got me back into GI Joe.  It was a fun run, but there was one figure I was never able to snag right at the end of the run - the San Diego Comic Con Sgt Slaughter.  The Triple T version if you want to be exact.  I don't go to SDCC, and I wasn't able to get one off the Hasbro Toy Shop.  I was (at the time) not willing to go and pay the "insanely high prices" on eBay.  So I just missed out.  I had the chance to pick up one recently and jumped at it.  I always held out hope that they would rerelease it with something like a Triple T or as part of a FSS, but it became pretty obvious that it was never going to happen.  So I finally pulled the trigger on this 8 year old figure...

I was really impressed with the actual toy packaging and the clam shell.  The clam shell that it came in had GI Joe stamps all over it.  The back had the GI Joe logo on it, and the top had a cobra logo and a star on it.  It's a lot nicer than some of the other generic clam shells I have.  Small details like that make me smile.  I really liked the artwork on the card because it reminded me of the Sgt Slaughter from the cartoon.  I was a cartoon guy (both Sunbrow and DiC) so nostalgia is a great thing.

So I have ALWAYS been an "open figures because they deserve to be played with and seen"  kinda guy, but opening this figure hurt a little.  It's a collectors item, but it's still a toy!  Below are some pictures of me unboxing the figure.  I used an x-acto knife to remove the bubble off the card (after all I didn't want to mess anything up!), and I was super careful.  The figure came with a stand, revolver, machine gun, and a baton.  All were decent accessories but I never saw Slaughter as a revolver kind of guy.  I really liked the machine gun.  I currently don’t have him displayed holding anything because I think he looks more impressive with his hands behind his back.

So after I finally got this guy opened I decided to pose him and take some pictures.  I made a nice backdrop and started taking pictures.  It's my first time really taking pictures of an action figure, so it was a bit of a learning experience. Below are my pictures!  Don’t make fun...

Over all I'm really happy with my purchase of an 8 year old toy.  It reminds me a lot of childhood and that's the point!  Yo Joe!


Apple Photos and Mac Storage

So Brittany and I have recently been cleaning up our data situation.  For a while we had data spread between our MacBooks, Mac mini, iPhones, iPads, external hard drives, iCloud, etc, etc, etc. We didn't have what you would call a clear strategy...  I decided to really start working on the best way to manage our data, and we are making progress.  Part of that process was to get Brittany's MacBook Air under control.  She had it so full of data that she was getting a warning message anytime she did anything that she was out of space.  So we decided that we needed to completely start new on her MacBook.  So I formatted it, but I still had one problem.  Her Photos Library was bigger than her hard drive.  So naturally...  more trouble...

Photos provides an option to Optimize Mac Storage in Photos Preferences.  One of the options has the description, "Store full-resolution photos and videos in iCloud.  Originals will also be stored on this Mac if you have enough storage space".  Photos will continue to download the full resolution images from your photo library until your storage space hits a certain threshold (I don't know what the threshold is, and apparently that's still up for debate....) and then stops.  I decided to create a 10gb partition, and I created her library on it.  Photos should download the high resolution photos until it reaches the designated threshold on the new partition.  So instead of completely filling the main partition with photos (which can create problems when you want to move large data onto the drive, etc.), you now only fill that partition.

So far this has worked really well.  I have noticed that the photo-analysis process seems to be taking A LOT longer than it originally did to scan the photos.  We are talking it takes days to go through a few hundred photos (which was not the case before).  I don't know if this is due to Sierra reprioritizing the process or if this is because of the partition.  I am going to assume it is Sierra being more efficient, but I can't be certain.  We are just plugging it up every night and letting it do its thing.  One day it'll finish... one day...

Over all it seems to be working really well, and I'm going to be implementing this same thing on our desktop setup.  We both have our libraries on there, and I plan to limit those to 5gb for each user.  That way we aren't fighting for space on that machine.  We will still be able to work with images if we need them, but we'll just have to pull it off the cloud.

I'm working on a tutorial on how to do this and will update this post with a link to it.

The 1st Birthday Party

So this weekend was Melody's first birthday party.  This is always a big moment for a kid, but this is more to post about the amazing job Brittany did. 

Brittany has spent weeks and weeks working on planning and executing this party.  She has spent countless hours designing invites, making banners, figuring out the house layout, and everything else a party entails.  When I say she made banners, she literally designed the shapes, cut them on her Cameo Silhouette, assembled them and everything.  Each ice cream cone is at least 4 parts and has be assembled.  The banner on the fireplace had 13 individual cones that she built.  The party was filled with friends and family and was amazing.

Brittany did an amazing job and put a lot of love and hard work into this party for Melody!  I couldn't be more proud of Brittany for the amazing job she did.

Below are pictures I took before people started showing up before the party!*

*Please excuse my terrible photography skills

The Future of GI Joe

So I've been a GI Joe fan as far back as I can remember.  To see the state of GI Joe right now makes me sad.  Unless you head to the "Adult Collectors" part of Toys R Us, you aren't going to find GI Joe on any toy shelves.   Even then you're lucky to find anything on the shelves.  To me the  line is essentially dead.  I don't want anything on the store shelves, and I don't want the GI Joe Collectors Club figures because I'm not interested in usually half of the figures being offered.

Here is my idea to maybe help keep GI Joe going.  Create two different line of figures.  You need a "Collector's Figures" and a "Kid's Figures."  I know there is the GI Joe Collectors Club, but that's just an extension off the "50th Anniversary" line...  Below are my ideas for each:

Kid's Figures

  1. Create a whole new look and feel for GI Joe.  Think of it like the new Ninja Turtle line of figures.  They have the same characters, but everything is reimagined and NOT held to the original ideas.  You don't even need to keep to the ole 3.75 inch idea.  
  2. Make sure there are plenty of vehicles for the Joes!
  3. Hook a new show into the line.  Don't go crazy with something like GI Joe Renegades, but make it something fun and exciting like the current Turtles show.  Make the show really engaging for both adults and children similar to Star Wars Rebels, Clone Wars, and Ninja Turtles.
  4. Don't forget that GI is the "Real American Hero" and play that up.  Make sure the flags and everything are on the figures and the vehicles!
  5. If a new movie comes out, don't destroy the whole line over it.  Make 1 wave the new stuff, clearly mark the package as a movie tie in, and then move on from it.  Very similar to the way the Ninja Turtles movies were.

Collector's Figures

  1. Create a subscription service similar to the GJCC.  I want to keep the "1 figure a month" idea, but I think the figure selection should be done differently.  Instead of a random assortment of figures do something like this.
    1. January - 1982 Figure
    2. February - 1983 Figure
    3. March - 1984 Figure
    4. ect ect ect
  2. Keep things like Tiger Force, Python Patrol, Snow Team, etc variants to the Convention Exclusives, box sets, and other special type ordeals.  Do not make them a part of the subscription.
  3. Don't forget the vehicles!  Make sure vehicles come out that just aren't repaints.  I would love to see an updated Snow Cat and Cobra Stun!
  4. Make the file cards look like the original releases, only updated!
  5. Ditch the concept of a complete years subscription cost.  Pay for it 3 months at a time. That way if you don't want certain years you can mitigate that a little bit.
  6. Don't make ordering anything difficult!

Well those are my thoughts.  Hopefully GI Joe sees a revival soon because I need more figures!

Adding Logos

So how in the world did I not know about Automator on the Mac until roughly December?  I feel like this is something I should have known about, but apparently I am a bad Mac user because I didn't. :( So how did I end up finding Automator?  Pure laziness...

A little while ago (aka I can't remember when) Brittany and I talked about adding a logo to the images on her site.  Brittany started adding her logo to her images and it was taking her forever to do it.  She was adding the logo one image at a time.  After looking at it and thinking "I wonder if I can automate this" I started brainstorming.

My first thought was to write her a tool in Objective C because that's what I know and I think I could do a good job with it.  Being an engineer my mind definitely started over engineering the project.  I started thinking of a lot of fun things I could do in Objective C.  This started becoming another programming project I figured I would never finish...  (I have quite a few of them).  So I did a Google search for "Batch Pixelmator images" (We use Pixelmator for most of our work with images) and then I learned about Automator.  I also learned that Pixelmator has great Automator support.

I started making some pretty fancy Workflows for Brittany that copied and moved files.  They worked really well, but it did more than what she wanted.  So much for not over engineering huh...  I ended up making a simple Automator Service that just adds her logo to the images.  It's a permanent addition to the image, but that's what she wanted!  So now all Brittany does is highlight all the images she needs for her blog and then she right clicks, hits "Add Logo," and BOOM all her images have her logo.

So the only downsides to what I have built is that the logo is only one size.  So whether she is adding the logo to a HUGE image or a small image, the logo is the same size.  Of course now I want to write a more complicated Automotive Service to adjust the logo size...  Or maybe I go back and write something in Objective C when I find time....


2016 Code Name: Changes

So 2016 was quite the roller coaster year.  It literally started with a low and it ends with crazy highs.  The beginning of the year started off scary (you can read about that here), but it ended with a happy, playful 7 month old!

So obviously the big story of my 2016 was Melody making her grand appearance.  You can read about her grand appearance here: Code Name: Daddy and here Introducing Melody Camille.  I won't go back into those but I will make a few comments on the little lady.  When people tell you to enjoy it because it goes by fast, I always believed them.  It does go by fast but what I wasn't expecting was how fast.  It's not that this first year has flown by, but babies move from one stage to the next at insane speeds.  She literally changes almost week by week.  That's the part I didn't expect.  It's been fun watching her discover that she can do new things.  I miss some of her earlier stages, but I'm having a blast being able to play with her!  I have also become thoroughly versed in Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.  Have you ever been sitting at your desk and noticed yourself singing the "Hot Dog Song"?  Yea I have...  

On my programming projects front, it's been a really slow year.  It's the first year in a long time I haven't had anything listed in the App Store.  Without having to worry about any of the apps in the store, I've played around with a bunch of different ideas and had fun doing that.  I don't have quite the same amount of time (I am lucky to even open Xcode at some point during a week) but I still enjoy messing around in my tiny amount of free time.  Oh!  I also discovered Automator on the Mac.  How did I not know about this?   I think I'm going to have fun playing with this...  assuming I have any free time...

My action figure collection saw very few new additions this year.  That's not a bad thing (I mean I'm essentially out of storage space as it is...), but it's not exciting.  I did complete a collection, so I consider that a win!  I also have started working on better ways to display my collection.  I don't like the "put everything you own on one shelf" look, so I have really had to work at not making everything a cluttered mess.  I'm pretty happy with most of it, but I'm still working on the best way to display the GI Joes. 

It was a very big and exciting year.  Melody has made a HUGE impact on everything and it's been awesome.  I don't know that 2017 can beat 2016 (I mean can you really top having a kid?) but I think it's going to be a great year!



File Transporter

So a few years ago I heard about Connected Data's File Transporter on a podcast.  It was sold as a Dropbox alternative, so I got one and ended up buying a second one to use as an offsite backup.   I only ran across one real problem with the system (apparently trying to backup an iPhoto library on it is a baaaad idea) but it appeared really stable.  

As time went on I started to feel a little uneasy about the transporter.  I noticed that information was getting harder to find, transporters started disappearing from their store, the filetransporter twitter account disappeared, and a lot of other unsettling signs started popping up.  It was the day that I noticed they went from being ConnectedData to Nexsan that I decided to start looking for alternatives.  It wasn't worth the possibility that they quit supporting their products and I end up not being able to retrieve my data.

It wasn't until I updated my Macs to Sierra that a lack of care from Nexsan came to light.  I was not able to install the Transporter software on my laptop because it was not supported and it didn't look like it would be anytime soon.  In the process of looking for an installer I noticed they had a PDF on their site that said the End of Life for the Transporter in 2017.  So I pulled the trigger on my alternative and am moving my data.

While I loved my Transporter I can't recommend any products from Nexsan.  Maybe I am naive but I expected support for my product for more than 2 years after purchase.  With the way they seem to be quietly winding down I just have a hard time trusting them for anything new.  This is unfortunate because I really liked the product. 

Why We Love Disney World

So for this installment of mine and Brittany's "Shared Title" post I gave us the title of "Why we Love Disney World."  I thought this would be an easy way to start this... boy was I wrong...  It was easy for Brittany, but apparently not easy for me... not sure why though...

There are many layers to why we love Disney World.  Brittany and I both enjoy it for different reasons, but there are reasons we both enjoy it as well.  I love the food, she loves the nostalgia, I love the nice hotels, she loves wearing Minnie Ears...  this could go on and on on, but those are some of our individual reasons for loving Disney. Why we both love Disney takes a little bit more explaining.  So I'll break it up into 3 parts...

1.  Planning

So Brittany is a MAJOR planning type of person.  I mean you should see how extensive our Disney planning goes!  We love this part of everything for different reasons but planning is part of why we love Disney.  Brittany REALLY gets into it.  I mean you should seriously see the spreadsheets I receive.  I LOVE watching how excited she gets and providing her input and helping out.  I find it a lot of fun picking out where I want to stay, what I want eat, and what all I want to do at Disney World.  It's a lot of fun for both of us, but in different ways!  I literally find watching Brittany go through her planning the best part because I get to see how excited she gets!

2. The Trip

After all the planning we finally start our adventure and this part is really fun.  When we enter The Land in Epcot we know have made it.  We finally start to relax and enjoy two of our favorite rides, Soarin and Living with the Land.  At this point we know the trip is just about us (and anyone that's with us) and nothing in the outside world really bothers us.  We love it just being us, as we adventure through the most magical place on earth.  We love the feelings we get as we go through the park and just being a kid again!  We have skipped, danced, met the Mayor of Magic Kingdom, and walked around the world.  When it's just us and we are having fun at Disney World, the real world doesn't really matter!  We love just being there and the rides aren't even that important.  We have been known to just stroll through the World Show Case and enjoy the night or just explore a resort that we have contemplated staying at in the past.  We love just being there, being together, and it being our "thing"

3. After the Trip

So the sad part of every WDW trip is coming home.  We're usually sad when we get home, but we light up and LOVE that Disney always sends us something to make us remember our trip.  Usually Mickey himself sends us a card and we get all excited and start and the love of trip planning starts over!

Long Story Short...

We mainly love Disney because it's something we do together and it's somewhere we can relax and just be kids.  We can't wait to take Melody and let her be a part of our adventures!

Shared Title Posts

So about a month ago I asked if Brittany wanted to do a type of shared posts between our blogs. I obviously don't blog enough and this would get me to write more, and would be a fun project to do with Brittany.  I am calling these "Shared Title Posts" for now. 

How it works is that I give us a title for a blog post.  We both write an article on that title and then post it at the same time.  Brittany then creates the new title and so on and so forth.  I thought it would be fun so let's see how it goes!

Improving on Pokemon Go

So after playing Pokemon Go for over a month I believe there are A LOT of ways that Niantic could improve on Pokemon Go.  I think the hunting part of the game is done really well, (minus the tracker changing with every update...) but that's about the only thing I don't think needs to be updated...  So on with my suggestions!  

1.  Altering Capturing Pokemon Method

So I like that I have the ability to catch any Pokémon using only a Pokeball.  What frustrates me is that some Pokémon just will not stay in the ball and then they run off.  Now I get that a high CP Pokémon should be difficult to catch but a 10 CP Pokémon should just go right in the ball.  I would like to keep the current catching as it is, but add the ability to battle it if it is a high CP to make it easier to capture.  This is exactly how the original games work, and I think it would be a nice touch.  And when I say battle I mean like the Nintendo versions and not Pokémon Go Gym Battles...

2.  Increased Pokestop and Gym Locations

So I think this has been listed just about everywhere but if you don't live in a city getting Pokestops can be...frustrating.  The closest Pokestop to my house is literally miles away, but there are places in town where I can sit down and get 3-4 stops without moving...that's frustrating.  I would love a Pokestop and gym in my neighborhood.  That would be fun to have the neighbors battling out control of the gym! 

3.  Change Gym Operations

So gym combat and leveling are terrible.  I love capturing a gym but I highly dislike the combat.  I think the entire gym system needs to be rethought.  Why should I be able to use 6 Pokemon against a level 2 gym with only 1 Pokémon inside?  You're right, I shouldn't! 

I'll use this example.  I went to a gym that has 2 Pokémon in it.  The weaker guy only had a 1000 CP something, but the top guy was a mean 2000 CP Snorlax.  I was able to use six Pokémon to just continually take out the lower guy until he was gone and then use 6 Pokémon to beat up on the Snorlax.  Beating the Snorlax was easy because I was able to brute force attack him with 6 guys!  You definitely should only be able to use the same amount of Pokémon that are in the gym.  That makes it a much more interesting and a fair fight.

Speaking of fighting... the combat is TERRIBLE.  I literally spend most of the time just tapping the screen as fast as I can and not worry about dodging at all.  Half the time the dodging doesn't even work because of server lag or other reasons, so it isn't worth the time.  I get trying to be easy to pick up but this way is just frustrating.  I rarely use my special attack because it doesn't do that much more damage compared to my normal attack in the same time frame.  

Maybe using Nintendo style Pokémon game fighting is too difficult to understand but it never seems to slow down kids from learning and doing it on their Gameboy/DS/3DS/whatever.   Either way I hope they add some deeper combat or something different than a tapathon.

4.  Increase your Pokemon CP in a Gym

I would love to be able to level and train my Pokémon in the gyms.  When I drop a Pokémon in a gym I think it should get increases in it's CP over time.  This could encourage you to drop something other than your strongest Pokémon into the gym.  If you gained maybe 10cp an hour or something it would be a nice reward for your Pokémon in there.  It also helps you level harder to find Pokémon because you can't find anymore of them! 

5.  Trading

So a major part of all Pokémon games has been trading.  Does Pokémon Go have trading?  Nope!  Why not?  No clue...  it needs to be there!

6.  Alter Egg Distance Calculations

 So I hate how egg calculations are done.  It seems to be pure GPS based and that doesn't have enough precision.  I can mow my yard and it barely registers anything because I am walking in a small area and the gps isn't picking up changes even though I'm walking... a lot.  I think this needs to be updated to be more accurate and maybe use a pedometer type feature...

Don't take this list as me hating on the game.  I'm still playing it, and I still enjoy playing it.  Finding new Pokémon is always an exciting ordeal and finding another Abra is always amazing!  This list just contains my suggestions :)

P.S.  Fix the battery saver bug where the game thinks my phone is upside down but isn't...  that's a TRIVAL iOS fix...  and if they don't know how... give me a call and I'll do it...  for a fee of course. 💰

Where's the Female Villager?

So I've always been an Animal Crossing fan (all the way back to buying the Animal Crossing game on release day), but it wasn't until New Leaf that Brittany really started playing.  We bought the game on release (and bought her a pink 3DS to play it on), and we were both hooked.  She LOVED the game, and we played it together for well over a year!

So Nintendo has released Animal Crossing Amiibos, action figures and plush dolls, but there is one thing missing:  The Female Villager.  Brittany found me the Villager Amiibo for Christmas when it was first released and was not easy to find (in the event you don't remember, the Villager was crazy hard to find at first, but she found it!).  We have bought the JAKKS action figure, almost all the Animal Crossing Amiibos, and a bunch of the plush characters (They were a small part of our super expensive trip to the Nintendo Store in New York).  Even with all this stuff, we are missing a female villager!

We display most of our Animal Crossing stuff, but how am I supposed to have my villager without Brittany's!?  It doesn't seem right!  Nintendo needs to produce a female villager Amiibo and JAKKS action figure.  I'm more concerned about the Amiibo, than the JAKKS figure because Nintendo has a huge Amiibo presence.  It seems very odd to be missing a female villager when there are random other Amiibos that most people can't even identify (although most people don't know Animal Crossing, but you know what I mean!).  Nintendo needs to fix this problem and fix it on the next wave of Amiibos.


Me and my friends are waiting for Brittany!

Me and my friends are waiting for Brittany!

APEX Display Stands

So in my office I have some of my favorite toys displayed on 4 glass shelves that Brittany and I put up.  I chose glass because it allowed the most light to pass through them and didn't cause any real noticeable shadows.  I have 25th Anniversary GI Joes on 2 of the shelves, Legacy Power Rangers Figures/Zords on 1, and some Transformers on another.  I love the way the Transformers and Power Rangers shelves look, but I always felt like something was missing from the GI Joe shelves.

So it took me a while but I think I finally figured out what I didn't like.  I couldn't see all the Joes really well, and I thought the GI Joe shelf was missing height.  The Power Rangers and Transformer shelves all have height due to their giant towering robots!  The Joes are relatively small compared to everything else.  Even the vehicles I have on display are not large.   So I started researching and couldn't find anything I liked to solve the problem and mostly stopped researching...  And then I randomly visited SmallJoes.com and stumbled across the APEX Action Figure and Collectibles displays.

Apex makes a display case that keeps all the dust off your action figures/display by encasing it in a "crystal clear poly-styrene" case.  In other words...a fancy clear box.  Included in the box is a stand that creates risers / stairs.  Encasing my figures in a box didn't interest me, but the stand on the inside did.  The stand would allow me to create potentially 3 different rows of GI Joes on my shelf.  I also noticed you can order the stand separately!  So I ordered 2 stands to see how I like them. 

The stands came in pretty quickly from SmallJoes.com.  They were packaged very well and are really well made.  I quickly unpacked them, pulled some GI Joes off their shelves, and prepared to update the display!  I put the display up on the shelf and it provides the look I want.  Each individual Joe stands out more and isn't covered up by another one.  Unfortunately the stands were too short for me to be able to do 3 rows of Joes  :(  This is my fault though and not the shelves fault...  I probably need to measure next time...  I love the look though!  It allows me to be able to see more of the Joes on the shelves AND provides height to the display. Overall I recommend these shelves if you are looking to add a little more to your displays!



Gotta Catch 'em All

So it took me a few days to actually be able to register an account in Pokemon Go, but it finally happened.  Of course I picked my boy Charmander to be my starter.  I have only been able to play the game a little bit, but what I've seen I've enjoyed.  I wouldn't be exaggerating if I say my wife drove me around the neighborhood on our way home one night, just so I could see what I could find...  I can not confirm or deny if we stopped in the middle of the road to catch a Rattata...

So my post isn't a review of the game, but me saying how amazing of an impact I think the game has had.  I have seen TONS of people in my Facebook feed and my Twitter feed that are playing the game.  A lot of these people aren't people you would expect to be playing Pokemon!  I have seen people walking through my neighborhood playing and literally had a car stop, the passenger look around on their phone, flick the screen (throwing their Pokeball!), and then drive off.  

I think it's great that the game has people going around town, getting people moving outside, and being nice to one another.  I've seen countless accounts on my Facebook feed where people have met other people playing and being helpful to one another.  Brittany and I saw about 30 people standing outside of a restaurant playing because it was a PokeStop with a lure.  Pokemon Go may be short lived for the general population, but for the time being I've been amazed.  There may be other games that are "better" but I'm yet to see ANY mobile game have this kind of influence.  I've been very impressed and I hope this isn't a short lived phenomenon.  

Go Team Red!  Gotta Catch 'em All!!



Using External Code Libraries

So programming is one of the hobbies I have.  I don't consider myself a good programmer, but I'm a decent one (or so I think).  Most of what I have done lately is pure Objective C and Swift stuff (mostly Obj C but I have toyed around with Swift).  I have written apps that were published in Apple's iOS App Store, but I have never depended on my programming ability for my actual income.  Everything I do now is mostly hobby stuff, but it may one day end up leading to a new app.

One thing I have always strived to do is not to use any external libraries or resources outside of official APIs.  I always try to write my wrappers, classes, and everything on my own.  Even though I know there are TONS of libraries and code examples on GIT Hub, StackOverlfow, etc, it still makes me uncomfortable.  I'm worried about unexpected bugs I have to troubleshoot, code no longer being maintained, code I didn't write becoming obsolete, etc.  This can make for a frustrating experience.  I mean what happens if your app bases itself off of a library someone random maintains, they decide to stop all work on it and pull it offline, and now you are up a creek without a paddle (see the whole Parse situation, even though they at least tried to help the situation).

Recently I've actually thought about using two different external libraries because I honestly don't have the time lately to really sit and deep dive into a new topic (having a newborn baby can have the effect on you, but man she is awesome).  I want to be able to use CloudKit outside of the App Store and the only way to do is that is to use the CloudKit web services or JavaScript  frameworks for CloudKit.  Now I have NEVER written JavaScript before and honestly, didn't want to learn how. It's not that I don't think learning JS would be useful; I just have had to pick and choose what I want to learn.  I have looked at Agilebit's AgileCloudSDK and I like how it works.  I've also looked into using some sort of wrapper for the FSEvents API.  Mainly that's because I don't want to really dig into a C API.  While I would love to spend a lot of time learning everything, I just honestly don't have the time.  I'm lucky to just be able to write anything I already know!

While the apps I released in the App Store were all 100% my code and not dependent on others resources, I can see myself using a few libraries in the future.  I try to truly vet the libraries to make sure they are "future proof" and at least have source code available for me to use.  Anything closed source I won't use because I can't change something in it, and I am not sure what all it does (outside of what's documented).  

Hopefully my future does not involve using many of these libraries or code snippets.  I honestly believe buggy and bloated software has increased because people carelessly use unknown code and snippets.  Just because something works that you copied off StackOverflow does not mean it is the right solution.  Let's hope I don't get that lazy and undisciplined as I continue my coding adventures.

Dusting Action Figures

So anyone that collects and displays action figures knows that the dust is the great evil.  If you display your collection in the open or on shelves it is eventually going to be covered in dust.  It takes a while until you actually notice the dust, but it builds fast.  I've tried multiple ways to dust my figures, but I've finally stumbled onto something that I really like. 

I have tried everything from compressed air, a dust rag, and straight up ignoring the dust, and none of those really worked super duper well.  Every solution I could find worked well for some things and not for others.  I couldn't always reach into the small areas or it would mess up stickers or something.  I contemplated covering the figures in some sort of case, but I never really liked the look.

When we had some work done at our house, I had to take all of my action figures off of their shelves and put them in a different room.  Not only was it frustrating to move everything, but the figures ended up being covered in A LOT of dust.  Once the construction ended and I needed to put everything up, I figured I needed to dust everything before they were put back on the shelves.  I decided to try something new when dusting my figures.

I decided to try using makeup brushes to dust my figures.  I'm not quite sure where I got the idea, but I thought about using makeup brushes.  I've seen Brittany use them before, and the bristles seemed to be soft enough to do a good job.  So I decided to give them a try.

So I'm not exactly a makeup expert, so I consulted the best makeup user I know, Brittany.  We went to Target and started makeup brush shopping.  I ended up choosing 3 brushes that I thought would work well.  According to Brittany, they are a defining eye brush, a bronzing brush, and a total face (foundation) brush by elf.  These brushes seemed to provide different sizes and options.

The brushes worked great on all the figures I dusted.  I used them on GI Joes (including their bases), GI Joe vehicles, Transformers, Power Rangers Legacy Zords, and SH Figuarts Power Rangers.  The brushes were able to reach into all the small spaces and were soft enough to not damage any of the paint, stinkers, or finish on anything.  Once all the figures were dusted, they looked brand new and were put back up on display.  I have added these 3 brushes to my action figure kit so that I can always keep them looking in pristine condition.


Action Figure Dusting Brushes!

Action Figure Dusting Brushes!