So anyone that collects and displays action figures knows that the dust is the great evil. If you display your collection in the open or on shelves it is eventually going to be covered in dust. It takes a while until you actually notice the dust, but it builds fast. I've tried multiple ways to dust my figures, but I've finally stumbled onto something that I really like.
I have tried everything from compressed air, a dust rag, and straight up ignoring the dust, and none of those really worked super duper well. Every solution I could find worked well for some things and not for others. I couldn't always reach into the small areas or it would mess up stickers or something. I contemplated covering the figures in some sort of case, but I never really liked the look.
When we had some work done at our house, I had to take all of my action figures off of their shelves and put them in a different room. Not only was it frustrating to move everything, but the figures ended up being covered in A LOT of dust. Once the construction ended and I needed to put everything up, I figured I needed to dust everything before they were put back on the shelves. I decided to try something new when dusting my figures.
I decided to try using makeup brushes to dust my figures. I'm not quite sure where I got the idea, but I thought about using makeup brushes. I've seen Brittany use them before, and the bristles seemed to be soft enough to do a good job. So I decided to give them a try.
So I'm not exactly a makeup expert, so I consulted the best makeup user I know, Brittany. We went to Target and started makeup brush shopping. I ended up choosing 3 brushes that I thought would work well. According to Brittany, they are a defining eye brush, a bronzing brush, and a total face (foundation) brush by elf. These brushes seemed to provide different sizes and options.
The brushes worked great on all the figures I dusted. I used them on GI Joes (including their bases), GI Joe vehicles, Transformers, Power Rangers Legacy Zords, and SH Figuarts Power Rangers. The brushes were able to reach into all the small spaces and were soft enough to not damage any of the paint, stinkers, or finish on anything. Once all the figures were dusted, they looked brand new and were put back up on display. I have added these 3 brushes to my action figure kit so that I can always keep them looking in pristine condition.
Action Figure Dusting Brushes!