The 1st Birthday Party

So this weekend was Melody's first birthday party.  This is always a big moment for a kid, but this is more to post about the amazing job Brittany did. 

Brittany has spent weeks and weeks working on planning and executing this party.  She has spent countless hours designing invites, making banners, figuring out the house layout, and everything else a party entails.  When I say she made banners, she literally designed the shapes, cut them on her Cameo Silhouette, assembled them and everything.  Each ice cream cone is at least 4 parts and has be assembled.  The banner on the fireplace had 13 individual cones that she built.  The party was filled with friends and family and was amazing.

Brittany did an amazing job and put a lot of love and hard work into this party for Melody!  I couldn't be more proud of Brittany for the amazing job she did.

Below are pictures I took before people started showing up before the party!*

*Please excuse my terrible photography skills

Why We Love Disney World

So for this installment of mine and Brittany's "Shared Title" post I gave us the title of "Why we Love Disney World."  I thought this would be an easy way to start this... boy was I wrong...  It was easy for Brittany, but apparently not easy for me... not sure why though...

There are many layers to why we love Disney World.  Brittany and I both enjoy it for different reasons, but there are reasons we both enjoy it as well.  I love the food, she loves the nostalgia, I love the nice hotels, she loves wearing Minnie Ears...  this could go on and on on, but those are some of our individual reasons for loving Disney. Why we both love Disney takes a little bit more explaining.  So I'll break it up into 3 parts...

1.  Planning

So Brittany is a MAJOR planning type of person.  I mean you should see how extensive our Disney planning goes!  We love this part of everything for different reasons but planning is part of why we love Disney.  Brittany REALLY gets into it.  I mean you should seriously see the spreadsheets I receive.  I LOVE watching how excited she gets and providing her input and helping out.  I find it a lot of fun picking out where I want to stay, what I want eat, and what all I want to do at Disney World.  It's a lot of fun for both of us, but in different ways!  I literally find watching Brittany go through her planning the best part because I get to see how excited she gets!

2. The Trip

After all the planning we finally start our adventure and this part is really fun.  When we enter The Land in Epcot we know have made it.  We finally start to relax and enjoy two of our favorite rides, Soarin and Living with the Land.  At this point we know the trip is just about us (and anyone that's with us) and nothing in the outside world really bothers us.  We love it just being us, as we adventure through the most magical place on earth.  We love the feelings we get as we go through the park and just being a kid again!  We have skipped, danced, met the Mayor of Magic Kingdom, and walked around the world.  When it's just us and we are having fun at Disney World, the real world doesn't really matter!  We love just being there and the rides aren't even that important.  We have been known to just stroll through the World Show Case and enjoy the night or just explore a resort that we have contemplated staying at in the past.  We love just being there, being together, and it being our "thing"

3. After the Trip

So the sad part of every WDW trip is coming home.  We're usually sad when we get home, but we light up and LOVE that Disney always sends us something to make us remember our trip.  Usually Mickey himself sends us a card and we get all excited and start and the love of trip planning starts over!

Long Story Short...

We mainly love Disney because it's something we do together and it's somewhere we can relax and just be kids.  We can't wait to take Melody and let her be a part of our adventures!

Code Name Daddy

So I did not expect this to the be the second post on my blog, but now is better than ever.  I hold nothing back when I say that I had mixed feelings when Brittany told me she was pregnant.  I'm not a person that always handles change well, and having a kid is a slight change.  I was worried about how much EVERYTHING would change for me (selfish view I know...).  And then May 25, 2016 happened.  That was the day that Melody was born and everything changed.

Let's just say the day's events were a bit chaotic (I'm sparing you all the details of the day but you can read about the day from Brittany's blog here), but at the end of it my little Melody entered the world.  I was filled with all sorts of happy emotions and fearful emotions.  When I finally got to hold Melody in my arms everything in this world changed.  I suddenly knew what being a parent was all about.  She just sat there quietly and I held her for what felt like an eternity and it wasn't enough.  The whole hospital stay felt like it took forever, but it wasn't until we got home that I felt like my little family was on it's own.  Brittany, Melody, and I were in our home and all was right with the world.  

Melody has been in the world for a week, and I already feel like my entire family focus is different. Where it was just me and Brittany before, we are a complete family now.  Brittany and I have settled into our little routines and we have a baby that loves to sleep. Moments like the 4 diapers in one changing episode were stressful, but it was a happy moment filled with laughter (sooooooo much poop).  Brittany and I just laughed and laughed, and Melody just grinned (which meant more poop was on its way!).  Who would have thought that dealing with poop and spit up could make a person happy?

So I don't mean to write this as some sort of sappy write up about Melody, (I know I know but it happened) but I wanted to share with everyone that everything in my world is a bit upside down, but completely right side up.  Melody is only a week old and I wish time would slow down.  I know that I look forward to complete nights of sleep and living in increments of time that are longer than 3 hours, but I know I'm going to miss everything going on right now.  I also look forward to finding all the fun little onesies I can!  She can't control what she wears right now.... but I can!!!  Muhahahaha

So now I have the code name: Daddy