Improving on Pokemon Go

So after playing Pokemon Go for over a month I believe there are A LOT of ways that Niantic could improve on Pokemon Go.  I think the hunting part of the game is done really well, (minus the tracker changing with every update...) but that's about the only thing I don't think needs to be updated...  So on with my suggestions!  

1.  Altering Capturing Pokemon Method

So I like that I have the ability to catch any Pokémon using only a Pokeball.  What frustrates me is that some Pokémon just will not stay in the ball and then they run off.  Now I get that a high CP Pokémon should be difficult to catch but a 10 CP Pokémon should just go right in the ball.  I would like to keep the current catching as it is, but add the ability to battle it if it is a high CP to make it easier to capture.  This is exactly how the original games work, and I think it would be a nice touch.  And when I say battle I mean like the Nintendo versions and not Pokémon Go Gym Battles...

2.  Increased Pokestop and Gym Locations

So I think this has been listed just about everywhere but if you don't live in a city getting Pokestops can be...frustrating.  The closest Pokestop to my house is literally miles away, but there are places in town where I can sit down and get 3-4 stops without moving...that's frustrating.  I would love a Pokestop and gym in my neighborhood.  That would be fun to have the neighbors battling out control of the gym! 

3.  Change Gym Operations

So gym combat and leveling are terrible.  I love capturing a gym but I highly dislike the combat.  I think the entire gym system needs to be rethought.  Why should I be able to use 6 Pokemon against a level 2 gym with only 1 Pokémon inside?  You're right, I shouldn't! 

I'll use this example.  I went to a gym that has 2 Pokémon in it.  The weaker guy only had a 1000 CP something, but the top guy was a mean 2000 CP Snorlax.  I was able to use six Pokémon to just continually take out the lower guy until he was gone and then use 6 Pokémon to beat up on the Snorlax.  Beating the Snorlax was easy because I was able to brute force attack him with 6 guys!  You definitely should only be able to use the same amount of Pokémon that are in the gym.  That makes it a much more interesting and a fair fight.

Speaking of fighting... the combat is TERRIBLE.  I literally spend most of the time just tapping the screen as fast as I can and not worry about dodging at all.  Half the time the dodging doesn't even work because of server lag or other reasons, so it isn't worth the time.  I get trying to be easy to pick up but this way is just frustrating.  I rarely use my special attack because it doesn't do that much more damage compared to my normal attack in the same time frame.  

Maybe using Nintendo style Pokémon game fighting is too difficult to understand but it never seems to slow down kids from learning and doing it on their Gameboy/DS/3DS/whatever.   Either way I hope they add some deeper combat or something different than a tapathon.

4.  Increase your Pokemon CP in a Gym

I would love to be able to level and train my Pokémon in the gyms.  When I drop a Pokémon in a gym I think it should get increases in it's CP over time.  This could encourage you to drop something other than your strongest Pokémon into the gym.  If you gained maybe 10cp an hour or something it would be a nice reward for your Pokémon in there.  It also helps you level harder to find Pokémon because you can't find anymore of them! 

5.  Trading

So a major part of all Pokémon games has been trading.  Does Pokémon Go have trading?  Nope!  Why not?  No clue...  it needs to be there!

6.  Alter Egg Distance Calculations

 So I hate how egg calculations are done.  It seems to be pure GPS based and that doesn't have enough precision.  I can mow my yard and it barely registers anything because I am walking in a small area and the gps isn't picking up changes even though I'm walking... a lot.  I think this needs to be updated to be more accurate and maybe use a pedometer type feature...

Don't take this list as me hating on the game.  I'm still playing it, and I still enjoy playing it.  Finding new Pokémon is always an exciting ordeal and finding another Abra is always amazing!  This list just contains my suggestions :)

P.S.  Fix the battery saver bug where the game thinks my phone is upside down but isn't...  that's a TRIVAL iOS fix...  and if they don't know how... give me a call and I'll do it...  for a fee of course. 💰