2016 Code Name: Changes

So 2016 was quite the roller coaster year.  It literally started with a low and it ends with crazy highs.  The beginning of the year started off scary (you can read about that here), but it ended with a happy, playful 7 month old!

So obviously the big story of my 2016 was Melody making her grand appearance.  You can read about her grand appearance here: Code Name: Daddy and here Introducing Melody Camille.  I won't go back into those but I will make a few comments on the little lady.  When people tell you to enjoy it because it goes by fast, I always believed them.  It does go by fast but what I wasn't expecting was how fast.  It's not that this first year has flown by, but babies move from one stage to the next at insane speeds.  She literally changes almost week by week.  That's the part I didn't expect.  It's been fun watching her discover that she can do new things.  I miss some of her earlier stages, but I'm having a blast being able to play with her!  I have also become thoroughly versed in Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.  Have you ever been sitting at your desk and noticed yourself singing the "Hot Dog Song"?  Yea I have...  

On my programming projects front, it's been a really slow year.  It's the first year in a long time I haven't had anything listed in the App Store.  Without having to worry about any of the apps in the store, I've played around with a bunch of different ideas and had fun doing that.  I don't have quite the same amount of time (I am lucky to even open Xcode at some point during a week) but I still enjoy messing around in my tiny amount of free time.  Oh!  I also discovered Automator on the Mac.  How did I not know about this?   I think I'm going to have fun playing with this...  assuming I have any free time...

My action figure collection saw very few new additions this year.  That's not a bad thing (I mean I'm essentially out of storage space as it is...), but it's not exciting.  I did complete a collection, so I consider that a win!  I also have started working on better ways to display my collection.  I don't like the "put everything you own on one shelf" look, so I have really had to work at not making everything a cluttered mess.  I'm pretty happy with most of it, but I'm still working on the best way to display the GI Joes. 

It was a very big and exciting year.  Melody has made a HUGE impact on everything and it's been awesome.  I don't know that 2017 can beat 2016 (I mean can you really top having a kid?) but I think it's going to be a great year!